Good Samaritan Medical Center Honors Volunteers
Good Samaritan Medical Center recognized the efforts of their volunteers with a luncheon and award ceremony held at Thorny Lea Golf Club on October 22. Over 75 of the hospitals 140 volunteers were in attendance as their names were called in honor of the time and devotion they each show the hospital on a daily basis. Volunteers are recognized with pins for hourly and yearly service, with the first pins being awarded at 100 hours or five years, respectively.
John A. Jurczyk, FACHE, president of Good Samaritan Medical Center personally thanked each award recipient along with Gerry Paciello, Director of Spiritual Care. “Volunteers can be the unsung heroes of any organization,” Jurczyck said. “For us, they are part of the fabric that makes our hospital unique. We appreciate the opportunity to gather and celebrate the commitment and contributions of our volunteers. They provide our staff, visitors and patients with smiles, support and comfort on a daily basis.”
In the last year at Good Samaritan Medical Center:
• Volunteers donated over 244,000 hours of service.
• Volunteers serve in departments throughout the hospital including the Moakley Center, Respiratory, NORCAP Lodge in Foxboro, the Emergency Department, Same Day and Pre-Admission Testing.
• The front desk reception area utilizes over 50 volunteers who greet patients and families and escort them to various locations 7 days a week over 12 hours per day.
• Our Spiritual care department has over 30 volunteers that visit our patients on a daily basis.
Sharon Smith, Director of Volunteer Services, spoke about the gratitude the staff had for the efforts of the men and women who give of their time. “These individuals bring their talents and their compassion for those we serve each day without expectation of anything in return. They perform these roles with a quiet dignity and grace that reflects the spirit of the Good Samaritan mission –and for that the entire staff is grateful.”
A quick glance at the program listed the names and hours of each volunteer being honored – from 100 hours up to 5,000, 9,500 and 12,000 hours. Two volunteers, Helen McGarry, from Foxboro had logged 22,000 hours of service while Aldona Martinkus from Stoughton has 23 years of service.