
October 24, 2017

Good Samaritan Medical Center Completes over 2,000 Robotic Assisted Surgeries

Omar Kudsi, MD Guides Hospital to Milestone as Recognized Leader in Robotic Hernia Surgery
Good Samaritan Medical Center is proud to announce that since acquiring the da Vinci® surgical system for the operating room, they have performed over 2,000 robotic surgeries, and are the largest robotic hernia program in Massachusetts. Currently, the medical center is home to six robotic trained surgeons, including Omar Kudsi, MD, Steward Surgical Associates, a leading expert in the field of robotic surgery. 
Dr. Kudsi is a board certified general surgeon at Good Samaritan Medical Center specializing in minimally invasive robotic assisted surgery with a focus on hernia repair. Dr. Kudsi completed his advanced surgical training at Harvard Medical School and it was during his time at Harvard where
Dr. Kudsi realized the impact robotics would have on the future of surgery. 
“The landscape of surgery is advancing faster than it has before,” Dr. Kudsi said. “As surgeons, we will see many advances in our careers and I strongly believe robotic surgery will transform the way we care for patients.”
Dr. Kudsi has been named one of the top ten highest volume robotic surgeon’s world-wide, and the most experienced general surgeon in New England. As a result of his extensive dedication to robotics, he is now sharing that knowledge around the globe having been invited to perform the first robotic hernia surgery in Japan, Denmark, and Sweden. In addition, Kudsi is an Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine and teaches nationally on robotic hernia surgery.
“We have several members of the medical staff specially trained on the da Vinci Si robot,” said Soheil Hanjani, MD, OB-Gyn – Chief of Robotics at Good Samaritan Medical Center. “Due to the growth in the robotics program, we recently upgraded to the da Vinci Xi surgical system. The upgrade will provide our surgeons with expanded anatomical access, wider 3D visualization, and a more precise tool for the use of robotics in the areas of General and Colorectal surgery, Gynecological surgery, Urology, and Urogynecology.  Our physician expertise has also resulted in Good Samaritan pioneering single site surgery.”
The benefits of robotic surgery, in addition to the intricacy of the machine’s capabilities, include smaller incisions, less blood loss, and faster healing time – all of which contribute to better patient outcomes: less time in recovery and more time living life.
For more information, visit or call (508) 584-4104 to schedule a consultation.