During Your Stay

Admission & Accommodations

Upon your admission to Good Samaritan Medical Center, we will work to get you to your room and make you comfortable as quickly as possible. An identification bracelet with your name and medical record number will be placed on your wrist for the duration of your stay.

Patients are assigned to a room dependent upon available bed space and the reason for hospitalization. We will make every effort to address any personal preferences you may have during your admission. Your health care team will quickly orient you to your surroundings, teach you to use the call bell, explain hospital routines, and discuss your plan of care with you and/or a designated family member or representative.

Hospitalist Staff
As a patient at Good Samaritan Medical Center Hospital, you are likely to be cared for by our team of hospitalists. A hospitalist is a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner who specializes in the care of hospitalized patients. Hospitalists usually do not have an office practice outside of the hospital. Upon admission, a hospitalist will work closely with your primary care physician or other specialist to coordinate your care, order tests, and communicate any required follow-up after discharge. You may see different hospitalists depending on your length of stay. Hospitalists are available to speak with patients and families. Please ask your nurse to contact them.

After admission to the hospital, all patients are assigned to a registered nurse (RN). Your nurse will direct your care based on the care plan that your health care team has determined is right for you. You will also have certified nursing assistants (CNAs) caring for you. See our ICU Staffing Reports.

ICU Staffing Report 2024 Q1, Q2
ICU staffing report 2023
ICU staffing report 2022
ICU staffing report 2021

Interpreter Services
Trained medical interpreters are available round-the-clock at no cost to patients, family members or significant others. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are available as needed to meet the communication needs of our deaf patients via video conferencing. In-person ASL interpreters can be booked through the Interpreter Services Department with advanced notice. In emergency or short-notice situation in which an interpreter isn’t immediately available, we will utilize a telephonic and/or video remote interpreter. To contact our Interpreter Services Department, please call 508-427-3023.

Patient Advocate
If you have care-related questions or concerns, feel free to speak with any of your caregivers at any time. Or, if you prefer, our patient advocate is available to discuss any concerns you or your family may have about your individual care or other issues. Call 508-427-3214 to speak with the patient advocate.

Good Samaritan Medical Center values and encourages the support that family and friends provide to patients during hospitalization. In considering our patients’ health care needs and their right to privacy, patients have the right to control visitation. A patient’s physician or nurse may also limit visitation when necessary to provide care and comfort to our patients.

Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult. For questions or concerns about arranging special accommodations for visitors, please speak with a member of your care team or contact the patient advocate.

To provide a restful and safe environment, we ask that all visitors comply with the following guidelines:

  • Be considerate of other patients by keeping noise to a minimum
  • Refrain from visiting if you have a cold, sore throat and any contagious disease
  • Keep in mind that the hospital observes quiet time after 8 p.m.

Smoke-Free Environment
Good Samaritan Medical Center embraces its responsibility to provide a healthy, smoke-free environment for patients, physicians, employees, visitors and volunteers. Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the hospital, including entrances and exits. We understand that quitting smoking can be very difficult. Your attending physician or nurse can help by suggesting ways to assist you in the process, or your physician can provide you with a smoking alternative such as a nicotine patch, if it is medically appropriate.


Whether you are on a regular or special diet, have cultural, ethnic or religious food preferences, or if you have specific food allergies or intolerances, we will accommodate your needs. You may order your own meals at any time of day from the Room Service Menu found on your bedside table. Please call extension 3663 (FOOD) from your bedside phone to place your order. Your meals will be delivered within one hour. If you are on a special or restricted diet, you may still be able to order from Room Service. When you call, a nutrition assistant will explain your diet and help you with your selections. Meals are served from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Telephone and Television
Televsion is provided at no cost to our patients. A channel guide listing is available in each room. All patient rooms have bedside telephones. If sharing a room, please be considerate of the time of day you are placing and receiving calls. You may make calls to an in-house extension by dialing the four-digit extension directly. There is no charge for local calls within the towns of Abington, Avon, Berkley, Bridgewater, Brockton, East Bridgewater, Easton, Holbrook, Randolph, Raynham, Rockland, Stoughton, Taunton, West Bridgewater and Whitman. You must dial “9” to access an outside line before placing call.

Long distance calls must be made by calling collect or by using a telephone calling card. If you are making an outbound call to a cellular phone please dial “0” for operator assistance.

Cell Phones
Cell phone use is allowed in the hospital except where the phone might interfere with patient safety or in areas where sensitive equipment is used. If you do need to use your cell phone, please speak in a low voice to not disturb the comfort of others.

Mail, Flowers and Newspapers
Mail and flowers may be sent to an individual’s attention in care of Good Samaritan Medical Center and are delivered directly to your room. Newspapers are available in the lobby café.

Wireless Computer Access 
While visiting Good Samaritan Medical Center, you may use your personal laptop computer to access the web. When logging on, you must first accept an online service agreement. Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi), is provided at no cost access may be obtained by connecting to StewardGuest. Please note that our information services staff does not provide support services to users of the Guest Internet.

Spiritual Care Services
Good Samaritan Medical Center provides for your spiritual and emotional needs, as well as your medical needs. Trained hospital chaplains of many different faiths are available for patients, family and friends. Patients and their families may request a spiritual care visit by calling extension 3151. The chapel is located on the first floor in the lobby of the hospital. It is open 24 hours a day for those who may wish to spend time in quiet meditation.

Daily Mass is offered:

  • Sunday: 8:30 a.m.
  • Monday – Friday: 8 a.m.
  • Saturday: 4 p.m.

In addition, tune to Channel 3 on the TV for the Good Samaritan Medical Center Hospital Channel for televised services, meditative music and inspirational psalm readings.